Apprehended Personal Violence Order (APVO) In NSW

In this article, we explore the significance of APVOs, their purpose, the conditions they impose, and the process of obtaining one in NSW.

In New South Wales (NSW), the Apprehended Personal Violence Order (APVO) serves as a vital legal mechanism to protect individuals from violence, harassment, or intimidation when there is no domestic relationship between the parties involved. While Apprehended Domestic Violence Orders (ADVOs) primarily focus on safeguarding victims within domestic settings, APVOs extend their scope to address threats and risks arising from non-domestic relationships.

Understanding the Purpose of APVOs

APVOs are designed to protect individuals who fear violence, harassment, or intimidation from a person with whom they do not share a domestic relationship. This order is particularly relevant in cases of stalking, bullying, or threats arising from acquaintances, neighbors, co-workers, or strangers. APVOs offer a crucial means of intervention for those facing non-domestic threats, ensuring their safety and well-being beyond the confines of their home environment.

Key Aspects of APVOs:

  1. Conditions: APVOs can impose various conditions on the respondent to prevent further harm to the protected person. These conditions may include prohibiting the respondent from contacting or approaching the protected person, their workplace, or other locations they frequent.

  2. Duration: Similar to ADVOs, the duration of an APVO can vary depending on the court’s decision. It may be issued for a specified period or indefinitely, based on the assessed level of risk and the circumstances of the case.

  3. Breach: Any breach of an APVO is a criminal offence and may result in the respondent’s arrest and potential penalties, emphasizing the seriousness with which the court views violations of the order.

Process of Obtaining an APVO

The process of obtaining an APVO in NSW typically involves the following steps:

  1. Application: The protected person, police, or an authorized representative may apply for an APVO at a local court. They are required to provide evidence of the threats or harassment faced and the reasons for seeking the order.

  2. Interim Order: In cases of urgency, an interim order may be granted before the court hearing to provide immediate protection for the victim until a final decision is reached.

  3. Court Hearing: Both parties have the opportunity to present their case at a court hearing. The court will evaluate the evidence and determine whether an APVO should be issued.

Real-Life Examples of Domestic Violence Situations

An ADVO can be sought by a spouse or partner who has experienced physical abuse, threats, or emotional manipulation within their relationship. The order may prohibit the respondent from contacting the protected person, visiting their home, or coming near their workplace.

Workplace Harassment

In cases where an employee faces bullying or harassment from a co-worker, they may apply for an APVO to prevent any further contact or intimidating behaviour.

Stalking and Cyberbullying

PVOs can also be sought in situations where an individual is being stalked or harassed online, through social media, or other digital platforms.

Defences for Respondents

Respondents facing allegations of violence or harassment have the right to defend themselves against the PVO application. Some potential defences may include:

  1. Lack of Evidence: The respondent may argue that there is insufficient evidence to support the allegations made against them.

  2. Self-Defence: The respondent may claim that their actions were in response to perceived threats or acts of violence against them.

  3. Consent: In some cases, the parties involved may have previously agreed to certain behaviours or interactions, and the respondent may use this as a defence.

  4. Mistaken Identity: The respondent may assert that they are not the person accused of committing the alleged acts.


Apprehended Personal Violence Orders (APVOs) in NSW are a crucial legal tool to protect individuals from violence, harassment, and intimidation when there is no domestic relationship between the parties. By extending the scope of protection beyond domestic settings, APVOs play a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals facing threats from non-domestic relationships.