More than 1,900,000 users have turned to Criminal Legal for industry-leading information.
The Criminal Legal website is Australia’s most exclusive, informative, and affordable online legal marketing platform developed exclusively for the criminal law fraternity. With professionally written pages covering the major areas of criminal law, drink driving and traffic law offences, it is modified to comply with each state’s legislation. A Criminal Legal membership is designed to complement and enhance your firm’s position in the marketplace while saving you thousands of dollars on your online marketing spending when you become a part of our exclusive group of criminal lawyers.
Our approach builds on 18 years of careful research and hard work developing, refining and implementing innovative marketing initiatives.
Our website provides comprehensive coverage of various aspects of Crime, Traffic, and Drink Driving offenses in every state. Within each post, there are two display advertisements that are shared among four law firms. Your display ad will include a direct link to your website page.
Your annual investment is $550 Inc GST