Domestic violence offences in South Australia

This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on domestic violence offences in South Australia, including the types of offences, how the police lay charges, the court process, the consequences of conviction, and possible defences.

Domestic violence is a pervasive issue that affects individuals and families across all walks of life. South Australia has implemented strict laws to address domestic violence offences, aiming to protect victims and hold perpetrators accountable.

Types of Domestic Violence Offences

Physical Abuse

Any act of violence that causes physical harm to the victim, such as hitting, slapping, punching, or choking.

Sexual Abuse

Any non-consensual sexual activity, including rape, sexual assault, or forcing the victim to engage in sexual acts against their will.

Emotional or Psychological Abuse

Behaviours that undermine the victim’s self-esteem or emotional well-being, such as constant criticism, humiliation, or manipulation.

Economic Abuse

Controlling or coercing the victim’s financial resources, such as withholding money, preventing the victim from working, or forcing the victim to incur debts.


Repeatedly following, watching, or contacting the victim, either in person or electronically, causing the victim to feel threatened or harassed.

Harassment: Engaging in a course of conduct that causes the victim to feel threatened, intimidated, or harassed.

How Police Lay Charges

  1. Report and Investigation: The process usually begins with a report to the police, either by the victim, a witness, or a third party. The police will then initiate an investigation, which may involve interviewing the parties involved, collecting evidence, and speaking to witnesses.
  2. Arrest and Charge: If there is sufficient evidence to support the charges, the police may arrest the accused and formally lay the charges. In South Australia, the police have the power to issue an interim intervention order to provide immediate protection to the victim.

The Court Process

  1. First Appearance: The accused will first appear before a magistrate in the Magistrates Court. During this appearance, the accused will be asked to enter a plea of either guilty or not guilty. If a guilty plea is entered, the court may proceed to sentencing. If a not guilty plea is entered, the matter will be scheduled for trial.
  2. Trial: During the trial, the prosecution and defence will present their cases. The prosecution must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that the accused committed the domestic violence offence. The defence will present evidence or arguments to refute the prosecution’s case or to mitigate the accused’s actions.
  3. Verdict: After hearing all the evidence, the magistrate or judge will deliver a verdict of either guilty or not guilty.
  4. Sentencing: If the accused is found guilty, the court will proceed to sentencing. The sentence may vary depending on the severity of the offence, the accused’s criminal history, and any other mitigating or aggravating factors.

Consequences of Conviction for a domestic violence offence

The consequences of a conviction for a domestic violence offence can be severe and may include:

  1. Fine: A monetary penalty imposed by the court.
  2. Community Service: A court order to complete a specified number of hours of unpaid work in the community.
  3. Good Behaviour Bond: An order to be of good behaviour for a specified period, with the possibility of a more severe penalty if the conditions are breached.
  4. Imprisonment: A term of imprisonment, either suspended or immediate.

Possible Defences to Domestic Violence Charges

There are several possible defences to domestic violence charges, including:

  1. Self-Defence: The accused was acting in self-defence or defence of another person.
  2. Lack of Intent: The accused did not intend to cause harm or engage in the alleged behaviour.
  3. Consent: In cases of sexual abuse, the accused may argue that the victim consented to the sexual activity.
  4. False Accusation: The accused may argue that the allegations are false and that the incident did not occur as alleged by the prosecution.


Domestic violence offences in South Australia encompass a wide range of behaviours, from physical and sexual abuse to emotional, economic, and psychological abuse. Understanding the different types of offences, the process of laying charges, the court proceedings, and the potential consequences is crucial for anyone involved in a domestic violence case. It is always recommended to seek legal advice to navigate the legal system effectively and ensure your rights are protected.

